
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Beyond the Screens: Documentaries About Movies
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
We talked last week about Galaxy Quest and the documentary Never Surrender and a year ago we talked about The Emperor's New Groove and the documentary about that, The Sweatbox. What are some other great documentaries about movies? We got more answers to that question than expected. We also talk about what Rafe's been watching lately, and how this week's regular discussion episode is a first for this podcast. We'll see you Thursday for our regular movie discussion episode!
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
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Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
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Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
71. Galaxy Quest (1999) with Chris Tallant
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Listeners of Rafe's other podcast know Chris Tallant as co-host of their conversations about World of Warcraft. Listeners of this podcast may have heard Chris back in Episode 6 where they discussed The Kentucky Fried Movie. Chris was kind enough to fill in at the last minute this week, as Rafe and Chris discuss Galaxy Quest, which is arguably one of the best Star Trek movies ever made. The two discuss Chris's lack of experience with Star Trek, the Galaxy Quest that could have been, and how the movie launched quite a few careers.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Chris Tallant is co-host of Citizens of Azeroth: A World of Warcraft Podcast
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for Relic: The Lost Treasure Podcast.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Beyond the Screens: Cartoon Adaptations and The Last Blockbuster
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
What cartoon or toy line would you like to see adapted into a movie? We go through some great answers to this question from last week's Friday Inquiry. Rafe also muses on how streaming has changed (or killed) the movie selection process for couples and dates, thanks to his viewing of The Last Blockbuster. We'll be back on Thursday with our regular movie discussion episode.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
70. G.I. Joe: the Movie (1987) with Mel Gore
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
You may remember a few months ago when we covered The Transformers: the Movie. Shortly after that episode aired, friend of the show Mel Gore reached out about doing this week's movie: G.I. Joe: the Movie. Considering how Rafe admitted in the previous episode that G.I. Joe was more his thing, it was obvious we were going to be looking at this one. Join Rafe and Mel as they discuss the similarities between the two animated films, debate G.I. Joe in the contemporary cultural climate, and come up with a script idea for the next big X-Men movie you'll want to see.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Mel Gore is host of the Tangent 1985 YouTube channel. He can also be found on Twitter.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for Things That Keep Me Up At Night.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Beyond the Screens: Introductions and The Conjuring Universe
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
We're trying something new with a series of mini-episodes we're calling "Beyond the Screens." These should give us the opportunity to touch upon content that falls outside of the usual guest-picks-a-movie format. In our first Beyond the Screens, Rafe explains the purpose behind these episodes, explains the long gap in between episodes recently, and talks about his plans for the summer. He also gives a quick look at The Conjuring movies, particularly the latest chapter, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. We'll be back on Thursday with our regular movie discussion episode.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
69. Warrior (2011) with Alex Whiteley
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
This week's guest, Alex Whiteley, brings the 2011 movie Warrior to the podcast for a great conversation. Listen as Rafe and Alex discuss Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton playing two very different protagonists who are destined to face each other in a mixed martial arts tournament - a conflict made deeper by the fact that they are actually brothers! We discuss this combination sports movie and family drama, featuring a brilliant performance from one of Rafe's least favorite actors: Nick Nolte, along with conversations about our own families and crying at movies.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Alex Whiteley is host of the Shrewsbury Biscuit and USUK podcasts.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
- Double Edged Double Bill #133 - Wilderpeople and Deuces Are Coming of Age
- This Uncanny Earth #121 - The Conjuring
- Mike Seibert Radio #292 - After Hours Live Stream
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for Hoosier Homicide.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
SPECIAL: Oscar Predictions 2021 with Thomas Mariani, Emily Slade, and Mel Gore
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
We're carrying on a tradition from the old podcast this year, as a panel of movie experts gather around their microphones to discuss this year's Oscar nominees and make their predictions. Join Rafe along with Thomas Mariani, Emily Slade, and Mel Gore as they discuss their problems with Mank, their love of Promising Young Woman, and their predictions about who will be taking home an Oscar at this coming weekend's festivities.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
This year's panel of experts is made up of:
- Thomas Mariani of the Double Edged Double Bill podcast
- Emily Slade of the Why This Film? podcast
- Mel Gore of the Tangent 1985 YouTube channel
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
- Double Edged Double Bill #133 - Wilderpeople and Deuces Are Coming of Age
- This Uncanny Earth #121 - The Conjuring
- Mike Seibert Radio #292 - After Hours Live Stream
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
68. The Jacket (2005) with Adam Thomas
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Once upon a time Rafe and this week's returning guest, Adam Thomas, were setting themselves up to be Internet nemeses. Instead, they get together a second time to talk movies. This time it's the 2005 Adrien Brody/Kiera Knightly film The Jacket, a movie Rafe encourages everyone to check out. They discuss time travel in movies, good and bad American accents in film, the Bootstrap paradox, buying in to a movie wholesale, and more!
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Adam Thomas is half of the Double Edged Double Bill podcast.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
- Double Edged Double Bill #133 - Wilderpeople and Deuces Are Coming of Age
- This Uncanny Earth #121 - The Conjuring
- Mike Seibert Radio #292 - After Hours Live Stream
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for Southern Gothic.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
67. The Karate Kid (1984) with Brian Doucette
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
It's would have been hard to imagine in 1984 the lasting legacy The Karate Kid would have. With three sequels, a remake, and the more recent revisit to the characters thanks to Cobra Kai, Daniel LaRusso and Mr. Miyagi's influence is undeniable, but that influence goes beyond the continuing story. Rafe and guest Brian Doucette discuss the personal effect the film has had on them over time, Brian's path through martial arts, and about a dozen other entertaining tangents.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Find out more about Brian, including his podcast, at Every Day Martial Artist.
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
- Double Edged Double Bill #133 - Wilderpeople and Deuces Are Coming of Age
- This Uncanny Earth #121 - The Conjuring
- Mike Seibert Radio #292 - After Hours Live Stream
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for Oh No! Lit Class.

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
66. The Devil's Rejects (2005) with Josh Evans
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
We dive back into horror this week with a movie Rafe had to vet before agreeing to cover on the show: Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects. The conversation comes from Josh Evans and Rafe and Josh talk about the evolution of Zombie as a filmmaker, films with despicable protagonists, and a few of Josh's suprising "Have Not Seen This" movies.
Follow Rafe on Twitter and Letterboxd.
Josh Evans is co-host of The Content Clearinghouse
Check out Rafe's recent appearances on other podcasts :
- Double Edged Double Bill #133 - Wilderpeople and Deuces Are Coming of Age
- This Uncanny Earth #121 - The Conjuring
- Mike Seibert Radio #292 - After Hours Live Stream
Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.
Send feedback to havenotseenthis@gmail.com.
Please subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or using the RSS Feed.
Be a future guest on the show by filling out the form at havenotseenthis.podbean.com.
This week's independent podcast promo is for A Few Bad Apples.